Sunday, May 31, 2009


We've finally set our schedule for our first trip outside Tehran. We're going to take a 2 day trip to Kashan (Kaa-shaan), which is south of Tehran. We leave the day after tomorrow. There are a TON of ancient ruins there from the Sassanid period, and my cousin, who has her masters degree in restoration of ancient structures and ancient history is going to be our tour guide! I'm so stoked. She has totally become my new best friend and all I do is sit around and pick her brain. I'm going to take my camera and hopefully will be able to put up pictures since my cousin (not the one who's going to take us around Kashan) has DSL at her house.

Today, as we were out driving, I kept seeing green banners and people with green tied around their wrists and necks. After a while, I decided to ask about them. It turns out the leading leftist candidate (Mousavi) has adopted this color as his own and his supporters wear it around to show support. One of my other cousins says the price of green fabric has gone up because of it! Isn't that funny? It's also peculiar that for the other candidates, I've maybe seen one or two posters, but Mousavi is EVERYWHERE.


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